You have been assigned to repair this damaged place. For budget reasons we can only deal with 8 problems at a time, so you must perform these repairs in groups summing to 8.

The game is controlled with only the mouse, and features a complete tutorial

This is a score-attack game where your goal is to get as many points as possible in 3 minutes. It was made in 3 days for MiniJam 166, where the theme was "Earth", and the restriction was "No Green".

Hint: the multiplier really starts stacking up if you clear lots of grids either Excellently or Perfectly.

The visuals rely heavily on shaders, which can load quite slowly in the web version of the game. There are also some known issues running the web version on Linux. Use the downloadable version for a more reliable experience.

Full screen via a button in the bottom-right corner.

Can you get to the top of the leaderboard?


All assets except those listed below made during the jam.

Music: -- The Framework Used for Measurement
Leaderboard backend provided by SilentWolf:


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